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The power of a clear digital vision in Logistics

Updated: Sep 20, 2024

In previous posts, we have explored the analysis of external and internal influencing factors using tools such as PEST analysis and the Five Forces Framework, as well as the importance of customer analysis using the Value Proposition Canvas, Customer Journey Mapping and Persona Development. These tools provide a solid foundation for developing a digital vision.

In the fast-moving world of logistics and supply chain management (SCM), digital transformation is not just a trend, but a necessity. As a management consultant with a focus on digital transformation, I help companies navigate their digital journey. A key element of this process is developing a clear digital vision. This article combines the importance of such a vision with practical consulting tools and examples to provide a guide for companies in the logistics industry.

The power of a clear digital vision in Logistics

Source: Image generated by the author using AI generation with

What is a vision?

A vision defines what the future of a company should look like. It is an inspiring and guiding image that shows what contribution the company wants to make. [1] As such, a vision motivates all stakeholders - employees, customers and partners - and serves as the basis for all strategic decisions.

The digital vision as part of the corporate vision

In today's digital era, a digital vision is an integral part of the corporate vision. It describes how a company will use digital technologies to achieve its goals and adapt to the constantly changing business environment. [4] A clear digital vision enables companies to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalization and stand out from competitors.

The importance in logistics

The logistics industry, which is characterized by continuous change and innovation, needs a strong digital vision to optimize business processes, increase efficiency, improve the customer experience and discover new business opportunities.

A practical example: Fantastischer Frachtzauber AG

Let's take Fantastischer Frachtzauber AG as an example, which aims to become a leader in the world of digital logistics solutions. Their digital vision focuses on achieving industry-leading efficiency and transparency, which should ultimately lead to shorter delivery times, optimized inventories and higher customer satisfaction. This vision reflects the desire to offer customers real added value through innovative approaches and the creation of seamless processes.

In implementing this vision, Fantastischer Frachtzauber AG specifically uses cutting-edge technologies as tools to effectively address specific challenges. The use of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain enables real-time tracking and transparency along the entire supply chain. This strategic use of advanced technologies as tools to solve concrete problems enables the company to achieve its goals of increasing efficiency, optimizing inventory and improving customer satisfaction without limiting itself to the technologies themselves, but rather seeing them as a means to achieve its far-reaching vision.

Consulting tools for developing a digital vision

Various consulting tools are available for developing a digital vision, for example:

  • Technology Radar: Helps companies identify and evaluate current and future technology trends in order to make informed decisions about the integration of new technologies. [3]

  • Business Model Canvas: A framework that helps companies visualize and analyze their business model. It helps to understand the impact of digital technologies on the business model and to identify opportunities and risks. [2]


A clear digital vision is crucial for success in the logistics industry. It helps companies define their goals, align strategies and position themselves successfully in a dynamic business world. With the support of consulting tools, companies can clarify their digital vision and effectively manage its implementation.

It's time to shape the digital future of logistics together. Do you have further questions about the topic presented or the tools mentioned, or do you need support with a specific project? I am happy to be at your disposal via the contact form or by email


  1. Kotter, John P. (2012). "Leading Change." Harvard Business Review Press. 

  2. Osterwalder, Alexander, & Pigneur, Yves. (2010). "Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers." John Wiley & Sons.

  3. ThoughtWorks. (2023). "Technology Radar." ThoughtWorks, Inc. Verfügbar unter:

  4. Westerman, George, Bonnet, Didier, & McAfee, Andrew. (2014). "Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation." Harvard Business Review Press. 


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